Friday, January 17, 2014

Splashy Saturday

As soon as we stepped in the swimming complex, you moved your feet towards the children's shower room. Mommy waited outside and you went out ready to jump into the cold pool! 

I just let this moment eat my whole being. This time where I know that someday, you will be a responsible person.  At your age, mommy was assured that you will grow up just what she has asked God you to be. 

Seeing you from a distance, you looked to the overall part of the pool. Checking out the water slide carefully, trying to convince yourself that you can do it then bravely go up and had your first slide! What makes mommy so proud is that I never said anything to push you to do it. What is magical in that moment is you have been brave and responsible for yourself. It may too early to assess that you will stay the same when you grow up.  With daddy's help and His guidance, I always prayed to God that he leads you to the correct path. 

A quality one hour saturday with you little man.  :)